Munster and Rovanpera fined for safety regulations breach

The stewards of Rally Sweden decided to fine Kalle Rovanpera and Gregoire Munster as both of them breached the sporting regulations which are related to the safety.

More specifically, Munster went staight on at high speed in Stage 15, just three kilometers before the end of that stage, but the he and Louis Louka did not use the triangle to warn the following drivers that they went off. In addition to this, they did not push the "OK" button after their exit which means that they did not follow the FIA's protocol. They managed to complete the stage, but they dropped almost 15 minutes there. However, the most shocking moment was when Adrien Fourmaux approached that corner and almost crashed into Munster's car as there was not any warning about the last one's exit. Munster supported that the door of the car on the co-driver’s side was blocked by the snowbank and it was almost impossible to reach the triangle as it had slipped under the co-driver’s seat. He added that he and Louka were working on getting out of the snowbank to arrive at the stop control of Stage 15 and pushed immediately the "OK" button while they made themselves visible for the following cars. On the other hand, the car No. 69 was found with the control unit of the extinguishing system not in operating position during routine checks at the Stop Control zone at the end of SS 18. The stewards informed Rovanpera that he could bring forward any representations other than having forgotten to activate the extinguishing system, but he accepted his breach and decided not to make any further representations. Both of them have to pay a fine of 1.000 euros for their infringments.

Watch below the stewards' decisions:

Photo Credits: M-Sport, Toyota

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