Sordo receives time penalty for SS12 incident, but keeps his second place in Greece

The stewards of Acropolis Rally gave to Dani Sordo a time penalty as he did not follow the defined route of Stage 12 which was the superspecial stage of the event and was held last night.

The Spaniard carried a rear right damage following a delaminated tyre in Stage 9 and could do any repairs at the end of Saturday morning as there was no midday service scheduled for that day. As a consequense of that, Sordo had to run with this damage for two gravel stages on Saturday afternoon while he was not able to turn his i20N properly around an obstacle in Stage 12 in order to make a donut. He pushed this obstacle away and continued running in that stage, but this did not reflect on his time since he almost did a donut. However, the stewards considered that Sordo and Candido Carrera did not follow the right procedure for the stage, thus they gave to them a 10-second time penalty which will be applied at TC12A. Last but not least, they keep their second place at Acropolis Rally as Ott Tanak and Martin Jarveoja were more than one minute behind them.

Watch below the stewards' decision:

Photo Credits: Hyundai

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